As per NYS HCR PPM sub section 4.05 the following fee structure is to cover the cost of the energy audit, which takes place after program eligibility has been established.
- Landlords who occupy the residence of 1-4 family homes, and meet the program qualifications have zero contribution. (The BAQ fee is waived for property owners of small family homes (1-4 units), who reside in the property to be weatherized and they themselves meet the program guidelines as well as at least 50% of the tenants residing at the property with 3-4 units.)
- Landlords with 1-2 family homes who do not live at the property or do not meet the program guidelines: the initial investment fee is $500.
- Landlords with 3-4 family homes who do not live at the property or do not meet the program guidelines: the initial investment fee is $1,000.
If applicable, please include a check or money order made payable to:
SPRC INC., Weatherization Assistance Program